I am feeling so much better, back to being a human again! I am finally getting my medications "drawin in" to the right dosage and I am feeling better than I have in years. Helping my grandparenmother out (since she can only use one arm for 2 more months) has really tired me out, so I decided I did not need to use the sleep medication anymore. It has cut my migraines in half! Which just generally helps everything else.
I finally convinced the gastro to move my appointment to today, so I have been holding the food waiting to get the upper endoscopy and biopsy. I am hoping they don't find anything, but I am hoping they find the cause of the nausea and give me a magical pill to cure it that makes everyting better.
I have been doing so much, and I am so excited that I am able to do so much more! I am 99% sure I am getting a road bike for my re-birth day in Nov so I am so excited to get to use that and just generally get to get out and do stuff!
This week I have the TRIO meeting tomorrow, and Tuesday I get to see the Tx group at Kaiser, which I havent see all summer.
Very pleased to learn you are feeling better. Onward and Upward!
Thanks for visiting donorcycle! Good luck with your transplant. There's another blog you might like-revive hope.
My friends Steve and Melissa write for it. Steve is a double lung recipient and Melissa received a heart transplant in her late teens/early 20's(I can't remember, but I know she got sick with cardiomyopathy as a teenager). I love them both and they have a great blog, as do you. Good luck, I hope they find out why you're nauseous-I hate feeling like that, I can't imagine feeling like it on a regular basis.
Allie, keep up your positive attitude and keep living! Your blog is inspiring and a source of strength for people like me. It brings it all back. I didn't have a complete transplant, but I did have open heart surgery last November a few weeks earlier than you. Stay strong and keep up the great blog!